Textbook Tips


I don't know if this applies to all university courses but I have found that buying textbooks can be a pretty expensive task. We are charged all this amount of money in fees to be educated and then have to spend even more money on textbooks - which in my first year I never even used. At the beginning of my first year after browsing around for the cheapest buys I spent well over £100 on 3/6 textbooks!! Only to find I didn't really need them.

Here are a few tips on ways you can survive the year without spending loads of money on
the textbooks:

1) The Library - Believe it or not your university does have a library, whether you've been there or not it is there. Majority of the books on your reading list will be available in your library however they may be of little quantity, but do not worry you can reserve a book without moving from your bed. At the beginning of the year know what books will be of help throughout the year and get searching in the library to reserve what you need. If the book you want isn't there or all of them have already been taken out fear not.

2) Ebooks - Ebooks are books that you can read online whether its on your laptop, Ipad, Kindle or any other electronic device. They work exactly the same as a normal book except its not there physically in your hands. Some universities, like mine, offer a free online website where I can access some of the books I need however they're not all available. Find out if your university does this too and if not don't worry you can still get E-books on websites such as Amazon and ebooks. There will be a small fee to pay but it is so much cheaper than buying the hard copy of the book. Please note that not all textbooks will be available as Ebooks.

3) Second hand - Look for noticeboards around your university or Facebook pages and see if previous students are selling the textbooks you need. Students are always looking for extra cash and so it is more than likely that someone is selling the book you need at a cheap price.

4) If all of the above fail or you're like me and prefer to have something in front of you to annotate and highlight rather than looking at a computer screen then look for different editions of the book you want. If the Lecturer recommends the 8th edition then it is almost likely that the 7th edition will have the majority of the content you need but at a cheaper price. If you do go for a different edition make sure it's not too different from the one you're looking for because across the years the content does change so if it's the 8th edition that is recommended I would not suggest you for for the 2nd edition purely because of the time gap.

I hope you find these tips useful and if you guys have any other tips then please let me know as I am always looking for ways to save money.


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All pictures on this blog are my own, unless otherwise stated. As of 03/04/2016 I have no association with any brands, all posts are based on products I own and have bought myself.

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